Center for Tire Research
An NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center


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CenTiRe Announces the Completion of Sustainability Research Project

CenTiRe is proud to announce the completion of research project Enhanced Crystallinity of Recycled PET Materials.  This sustainability-focused project was directed by University of Akron faculty principle investigators Dr. James Eagan, Dr. Kevin Cavicchi, and Dr. Sadhan Jana, and the research was conducted by UA graduate students Gavan Lienhart, Sayan Basak, and Leyao Wu. During this two-year project duration, the research team did a great job in keeping the industry members apprised of their progress and the industry mentors provided invaluable guidance to the researchers. The deliverables of this project represent significant furthering of technical knowledge in the field of tire sustainability and many thanks go the research team for providing them. They are now available to CenTiRe industry members, via the website, and can be made available to new industry members, provided they join in 2022. This is one of five projects concluding in 2022, with ten more projects currently active and supported by CenTiRe.